
“I could not be more enthusiastic about Michelle and the work she has done with our two children.  She worked with our older son for 3 years, and with our younger son for a year at the Denver Forest School, and we were extremely fortunate to have her as an educator for our boys.  Michelle is experienced and skilled in early childhood education and in outdoor education, and it shows.  She is able to connect with children from a place of respect, and the respect she shows them sets the tone for how they treat each other.  She is calm and collected and always prepared, but also knows how to have a great time with kids, and they love playing with her.  She communicates clearly and effectively, is able to help children understand concepts, including risk and respect, at a young age, and helps kids try new things and grow.  She has a special knack for connecting with kids who may be reserved or uncertain, and helps them to come into their own.  She has been a tremendous teacher and role model for our kids.  I would recommend her and any program she is a part of without hesitation, and am more than happy to discuss or answer any questions.”


“We started at Denver Forest School in May of 2022. My son, who at the time was 2.5, was having a rough time being away from mom & dad and it was a big transition for him. Ms. Michelle was such a welcoming energy to us, and she made him feel safe and cared for. She truly sees each of her students and helps them see how capable they are. She is encouraging and passionate. Also her love for the outdoors is infectious! I know we will miss her this summer, but are so happy for her and this next chapter. Her new families are truly lucky to have her.”


“My name is Marta. Michelle Bruyere took care of our son Konrad for two years (between 3 and 5 years of age) while she was teaching at the Denver Forest School. Michelle is in one simple word – amazing. Her depth of knowledge about children’s minds, big emotions, and behaviors is impressive and she used that knowledge regularly to help our son process, adapt, grow, and thrive while under her care. More importantly, she truly connected not just with our child, but all the children in her care. I know she loves them, and they love her. Every day my son was making new discoveries and learning new skills to apply to the great outdoors, but also skills for social and emotional learning and regulation. Michelle is also a wonderful communicator and I felt like she was a true partner in raising our child in those early years. I trust Michelle completely in her ability to manage and direct an early learning environment, both indoors and out.”


“We first met Michelle when we were lucky enough to have our youngest son placed in her public school preschool classroom around 5 years ago. We are so thankful our paths crossed as she was not only a wonderful teacher who helped our shy and quiet son open up, but she also became our most trusted adult in caring for our children.

Over the years, we have watched Michelle step out of a traditional classroom and into forest school settings. She has also babysat for our family in our home and as well as taking our 3 boys out to local parks and playgrounds. Our youngest son attended forest school with her for his kindergarten year, and all 3 have participated in her park play date days. Our family is unique in that we have several special needs in our sons who were adopted internationally: hearing impairment, blindness, bleeding disorder, ADHD, and emotional needs from childhood trauma. Michelle was not intimidated by these needs and asked great questions to learn more about how to help each of our children. She has shown great compassion and awareness in working with each one. Michelle is wonderful in connecting with our children. She works hard to meet them where they are and challenge them in their physical, social, and emotional growth. She is caring and knowledgeable regarding child development and nature. Our boys are always excited when they hear it's time for a "Ms. Michelle Day!" They come home exhausted and happy and full of stories to tell after spending a day outside with her. We cannot say enough wonderful things about Michelle and would be happy to speak with you about our experiences.”

Heather and Tom Christiansen,

“I have the honor of knowing Michelle Bruyere through Denver Forest School, where both of my children attended from age 3 through kindergarten. What began as a casual exploration into the forest school ethos became a way of life for our family, modeled by Michelle. She is herself an avid outdoorswoman who spends as much time outside as possible. She is always finding new ways to enjoy and be mindful in nature. Whether backcountry boarding, ice fishing, or biking, she inspires us all by "walkin the walk" and the families are always excited to hear about her weekend adventures on Monday mornings.  Not only is she an active outdoorswoman, Michelle is an amazing early childhood educator who brings years of traditional classroom experience outside. My older son graduated to kindergarten last year and his teacher marveled at several habits that he and Michelle actively pursued during their time together in forest school - notably advocacy for self and others, empathy and social awareness, and tenacity: “I can do hard things” is a Ms. Michelle mantra that my family - grownups and kids alike - say all the time. There is no one better suited to direct her own forest school than Michelle - she is the heart and soul of our school. If Michele taught elementary level forest school, my kids would be there!”

-Jeannie Willis, m: 619-708-7896